Tunisia Liposuction helps to remove the excess fat mass that is located in different areas of a man's or a woman's body. The technical advances in terms of plastic surgery in the field of liposuction have made it become an operation that is performed in new areas of the body such as the neck or the face. Also, liposuction allows moms to regain their figure before pregnancy and breastfeeding, namely a reshaped and harmonious silhouette . Generally, surgeons advise their patients to undergo complete liposuction at the same time as a breast firming intervention in a number of cases. The center of fat accumulation in the body is represented by the abdomen, which is able to recommend liposuction of the belly in order to obtain a well-balanced and slender silhouette with a flat stomach.
- Liposuction Procedure
- Tunisia Liposuction Price
- Tunisia Liposculpture Types
- Liposuction photos before after

costs Liposuction / Tunisia liposuction pricesSURGERY | Interventions | Prices | number of days |
Liposuction | Zone 1 | 1750 € | 5 days and 4 nights |
Liposuction | Zone 2 | 1950 € | 5 days and 4 nights |
Liposuction | Zone 3 and more | 2200 € | 5 days and 4 nights |
Tunisia Liposuction prices : Univers-med Tunisia liposuction best price in Tunisia , stars liposuction before after
Comparedto the different markets of Europe, the Tunisian market offers very competitive and costs for a liposuction intervention . It should be reviewsd that the reduced prices applied in Tunisia do not affect in any way the quality level of the services offered or even the expertise degree of the plastic surgeons as well as the medical team.
- Arms Liposuction
- Breast liposuction
- Belly and love handle Liposuction
- Calves Liposuction
- Saddlebags, thighs, buttocks Liposuction
- knees Liposuction
- Chin Liposuction
The liposuction operation is performed under general anesthesia and requires a period of 1 hour to 2 hours. This duration depends on the number of areas of the body to be treated for liposuction as well as the amount of fat overload that the surgeon will have to suck. It takes one to two days of hospitalization after liposuction . First of all, the surgeon uses fine cannulas to collect the fat by making small incisions of 3 to 4 millimeters. The incisions are made at the level of the folds of the skin so that the scars are discrete. After the procedure, the patient must wear a compression garment namely an elastic sheath in order to promote the retraction of the skin and so that it can be put back in place. The scars triggered by the intervention will be discreet and almost invisible with regard to the fine aspect of the incisions. There is no known pain after liposuction.
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The patient will have to have a rest period of about two to seven days after leaving the clinic. A compression garment must be worn by the patient and prescribed by the plastic surgeon over a period of four to six weeks, both day and night after liposuction. The patient may take a shower the day after the liposuction intervention but no baths for a period of three weeks at least. Physical activities are prohibited for a period of three to six weeks after liposuction.Generally, the surgeon sets a rest period on the basis of the amount of fat removed during the operation. For his part, the patient will have edema and bruising that appear in the treated areas and disappear after a period of ten to twenty days. The postoperative pain is rather insignificant and can be treated by analgesics prescribed by the surgeon. It is strictly forbidden to be exposed to the sun and the UV during a week after the intervention and at least three less for the treated areas.

Different check-ups are performed by the surgeon during the remission period and at regular intervals. These check-ups mainly concern the resorption of edema as well as the complete elasticity of the skin. The surgeon also checks that there are no postoperative complications and will provide all the necessary answers and explanations to the patient whether he/she is still in Tunisia or when he/she is back home.
Based on the plastic surgeon’s prescriptions, the patient must perform a preoperative blood test. On the eve of the liposuction intervention, the patient meets with his surgeon as well as the anesthetist doctor for a preoperative consultation . The surgeon strictly forbids the patient to take a drug containing aspirin during the ten days prior to the liposuction operation. It is also strongly recommended that the patient stop smoking before the intervention. And to female patients, it is recommended to suspend any oral contraception from one month before the intervention of liposuction.
The reliable and final result of liposuction can be assessed after the first two to three weeks after the intervention once the edema disappears. The final and conclusive result can be assessed after six months.
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